Sunday, August 30, 2020

Not Quite an Unrequited Love Poem

Not Quite an Unrequited Love Poem by Elizabeth Ann Fenton

'Tis True that when your attention left me, our story was a kind of unrequited love.  
I struggled to let go.  I wanted your attention back.
I wanted you to know as I do now, love is never truly unrequited.  
Only stories end.
I love you and it is only one version of the story, where you don't love me too.
The story where I see through rose colored glasses, everything is reflected in a sensuous pink hue.
I wonder why you are are not in awe of the me I saw in you.
I want to introduce you, but your glasses are of a darker shade, and I fade quickly from your view.
The more a shadow is cast upon me, the more I love you.
Like a flower bending its stem to reach the light. 
You came to my garden one last time and clipped me at the stem.
For a moment you held me in the light and the fragrance of roses silenced the story.
All at once, and never again.  We were the essence of love.
As quickly as you came, you left, tossing the flower over your shoulder.
Oh luminous love, many moonlights from now, our flames will flicker as one.
'Tis but a great mystery still unsolved, but with contentment of self, resolved.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Pray and Prosper -The Abraham Accord a beacon of light

 The Abraham Accord - A Beacon of Light

So amazing to hear news that there is a strong step towards peace in the Middle East," instead of more conflict.   It's just a beginning, but it is a beginning.  As I watched the announcement of the Abraham Accord live from the oval office, I felt such deep gratitude and I felt hope.   Trying to understand or have optimism for what occurs in the Middle East has always been extremely difficult for me.  One of those topics that felt too big to grasp.  But now, I see a common thread being weaved and that common thread is a tolerance for all religions and allowing people to pray. Yes, it is back to prayer.  Good people would much rather pray and prosper than hate and fight.