We are making our way out of winter and into Spring. For many of us it was an intense winter as far as the elements were concerned. Here in Hawaii there has been an unprecedented amount of rain. It has been a challenge for me to keep my attitude and vibration high as the constant rain has literally dampened my spirit. I have wondered if perhaps there is a place better suited for me. I stop and reflect on why it was that i came to Hawaii in the first place.. I stop and think and then chuckle when I realize that a big reason I came was because I had a concern about not having enough fresh water. The idea of living in a rain forest and collecting rainwater to store in a large tank was very comforting to me. So really I got what I wanted. Fresh water.
The Universe really has a way of always answering your wishes with a big dose of "are you sure that is what you want?"
As I awaken to my True Self and Co-creator of my reality, I realize how important it is to use my emotional guidance for better understanding my desires versus my fears. Thinking back on why I wanted to live in a place with water, was not necessarily because rain gives me joy, but because the fear of not having water. I can see better now that acting on fear is stepping away from joy. Luckily it wasn't my only reason for coming here... and so I continue my reflection.