Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Heaven on Earth

What is heaven on Earth?   When I think about that question, I think of it in two ways. .. what it is now for certain people, and what it could be for all.   There are people whose lives are pretty dreamy and there are people who's lives are pretty much Hell.   One is Here Now and the other is a hope for a better world.  If I try to think about how I personally could change the world so that it was Heaven on Earth for everyone, I feel pretty defeated.  If I think about how I could make my own life more of a Heaven than I feel hope, but I also feel a little selfish.  Why should I have it good whilst others suffer?   It is a conditioning of guilt which is a bad feeling and does not create a space for anyone to live joyously.  Instead, if I could live with joy without feeling guilty, it would send the message that living with joy is OK and that I could be one less person who needs to be helped and one more person who can help.  If you think about humans as all living in one big house, then it is obvious that one person could not clean up the whole house by themself.  But if each person cleaned up their own room.... we'd have a much cleaner house. One that would be more in line with Heaven on Earth.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Greetings Dear Ones,    An important topic I would like to touch upon is time.   In the third dimension we have organized time as linear and this is how our lives and understanding of our existence is taught.  We think in terms of past, present and future that is lived out in one direction and on one dimension.       Once you start grasping the fullness of your being in the 5th dimension, you become aware that time does not exist. It is a limitation of the 3rd dimension thinking.  If you think of your life and time as linear, then you are essentially living your life counting down the days from the beginning to end which is to die a certain death.   It gives you a dismal sense of mortality which triggers your body and mind to age.   If you could truly understand that time is not linear, you would realize aging is not necessary.  Your Divine self discovers an existence greater than one linear life on Earth.

Meanwhile the old beliefs about time can still remain as debris as we step from the 3rd to 5th dimension.

I know for myself most of my life I have spent the present moment fretting upon regrets of the past and worry of the future which has resulted in a lack of self love and a poor quality of life in the present moment.  In my past understanding of time as linear, worrying was a big problem for me.
I reflect back on the times where I feel overwhelmingly embarrassed about  my character and all the times I did not take the high road.  The shame that I put upon myself trapped me in the past.   Having a new understanding of time as not linear, I can recognize that the person from what I perceive of as my past, is merely an aspect of myself showing me the way back to the high road and directing me to my higher self.   It is not a definition of who I am, it is just a part of who I am becoming.   I feel grateful for recognizing that the Divine has a dark side.  It is not anything to be ashamed or try to fight.   I love the dark aspects of myself because they teach me how much more love I needed to give myself.   I was never a bad person. I was just in need of more love.  Love that only i could give myself, by accepting both the Dark and the Light of my being there is no need to ever worry about who I was in the past, and there is a confidence that my new rise in spritual awakening has nothing to do with time, it has instead to do with acceptance.

Next time you say "i don't have time" for this or that.. just remember time doesn't exist.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Welcome to my new Blog!  I am calling it the 5th Dimension love Portal because I believe that leading a life with an open heart and ability to truly love yourself and others creates the doorway to raising your consciousness to the 5th Dimension.  It is a journey of awakening the soul to new realms and it is not a quick or one step process.   It is also helpful to know you are not alone in the journey. You do go through the initiation alone, however, it is not without the help of many other loving souls cheering you on and feeling deep love for you every step of the way.    
To walk the path of enlightenment, as one of my favorite spiritual teachers Matt Kahn, says, is to take "the High road."  Everything will happen as the Divine unfolds, but we have choices everyday that can determine whether the bodies and characters we took on when we came into the third dimension will have a good or not so good time of it all.  Taking the high road is to act in the highest potential of your character, which will always result in a life lived with more joy and higher consciousness for all.

The key difference to life in the 5th dimension is that everyone is heart centered and the mind and heart are so closely connected, that all communication is highly conscious.  Decisions are made not by how they will create a cause or effect, but by what is understood as an inner knowing of what is best.   With highly attuned clairvoyant abilities our thoughts are clear and intuition easily followed, making for extremely compatible interactions.  

When i say this is not a one step process or something that will happen overnight, (like so many people thought would happen upon the arrival of 2012, an instant Golden Age,) it is a process that will happen, we are in a time of "awakening."   To be aware and participate in the unfolding of our new enlighten selves is why I came here.  It is like going to the desert in the rare time that flowers bloom.  

Learning to love, really love, is the key initiation, however, as your vibration rises, sometimes the body needs to make adjustments and this can leave you with ascension symptoms that can create physical and emotional challenges that will knock you off "the high road,"    Adversity becomes simply a tool to nudge you back on it.    I am here to remind you that you are loved and that everything is going to work out.
Love is the way out of pain and the key code to the portal of life on the 5th dimension.

..... come on in.  I love you!  Lizzie